PAN Application | NationXpress
Upload Photo, Signature & Documents View Scanning Process

* PDF can be maximum 1.2mb in size.
* PDF file name should start with 'J001351434' & end with '.pdf'

Add Photo
* Photo file name should start with 'J001351434' & end with '.jpg' or '.jpeg'

Add Signature
* Signature file name should start with 'J001351434' & end with '.jpg' or '.jpeg'

Please mention the Application Number on the form before scanning.

Photo & Signature

  1. Image (front page of application) should be scanned in 300 DPI. Color
  2. Image should be uploaded with .jpg or .jpeg format.
  3. File name should start with: Acknowledgement No/Application No. i.e. J001351434.jpg


  1. Documents should be scanned in 200 DPI, Greyscale only.
  2. File size should be upto 1.2 MB in PDF format
  3. Included files in PDF are:
    1. Acknowledgement Receipt
    2. Application Form (F & B)
    3. Supporting Documents
  4. File name should start with: Acknowledgement No/Application No. i.e. J001351434.pdf